Portfolio Management

Equus Portfolio Management SA offers tailor-made discretionary portfolio management services for individual investors. Each client’s investment strategy is developed on a case-by-case basis according to the client’s investment and risk profile. By using a thematic, “long-only” unleveraged approach we try to identify the best investment strategy for our clients.

95 years

of combined experience in investing

over 100

individual private portfolios

approx. $400 million

assets under management

EQUUS develops each client’s investment strategy on a case-by-case basis according to the client’s own investment and risk profile.

EQUUS invests “long only”, mostly in direct stock positions quoted on the major markets of the World, using a thematic approach to identify individual stock opportunities.

EQUUS takes stock-specific risk and is largely ambivalent about indexing.

EQUUS seeks “Growth at a Reasonable Price” and focuses primarily on dividend-paying companies that sustainably and regularly increase their payouts over time.

EQUUS manages the foreign exchange exposure within portfolios, including the use of forward exchange contracts where deemed appropriate.

EQUUS aims to provide clients with an above-average, consistent, long-term total return well in excess of inflation-adjusted “risk free” rates.

EQUUS interacts directly with its clients, listens to them and often learns from them.

What EQUUS does not do

EQUUS does not manage any funds for institutions, does not run any “in-house” funds and does not utilise “model portfolios”.

EQUUS does not use leverage on behalf of clients and does not “short” stocks.

EQUUS does not invest in “Hedge Funds”, private companies, unquoted investments or in other investments with long “lock up” periods.

EQUUS does not invest in any structured products.

EQUUS does not trade for the benefit of its own account.

EQUUS does not have the right to withdraw any funds from clients’ accounts other than for the collection of its management fees (charged quarterly based on an average of the previous three month-end portfolio values).

EQUUS does not charge any performance fees.